SPSS-Statistical Data Analysis..!!

SPSS Statistics is a software package used for statistical analysis. SPSS is among the most widely used programs for statistical analysis in social science. It is also used by market researchers, health researchers, survey companies, government, education researchers, marketing organizations, and others. . SPSS is a thorough and adaptable statistical analysis and data manager.

SPSS can take information from practically any sort of index and use them to create tabulated reports, diagrams, and plots of appropriations and patterns, illustrative detail, and behavior complex factual examinations. SPSS is accessible by: Windows, Macintosh, and the UNIX frameworks.
You will discover SPSS clients in for all intents and purpose every industry, incorporating telecommunications, keeping money, account, protection, medicinal services, assembling, retail, shopper bundled products, higher training, government, and statistical surveying.
  • It possess bivariate statistics in which in which mean, t test, correlation and non-parametric tests are performed.
  • It performs descriptive statistics including cross tabulation, frequencies and descriptive radio statistics.
  • Predicts the numeral results.
  • Predicts for classifying groups that is cluster analysis by k means.


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